22nd International User Forum Small Hydropower Plants

With an expert contribution by Jaberg & Partner


The public’s focus is often on wind power and solar energy when addressing the issue of energy generation through renewable energies. However, small hydropower in particular makes an enormously important contribution as a CO2-free energy resource. In Austria, more than 4000 small hydropower plants feed 6 terawatt hours of electricity into the grid and supply more than 50% of households. Small hydropower is not only an economical and environmentally friendly source of energy. Environmental protection and nature conservation are in the interest of operators of small hydropower plants. Numerous investments in fish ladders and ecological accompanying measures serve as examples.

The 22nd User Forum Small Hydropower Plants from 26-27 September in Rorschach, Switzerland, offers the opportunity for the exchange of experience and intensive dialogue between operators, users, planners, experts, manufacturers and licensing authorities. This year's User Forum will focus on topics such as the environment and sustainability, turbine technology and technology and innovations.

We are pleased about our colleague’s contribution. Dr. Jürgen Schiffer-Rosenberger will give a lecture in the session ‘Technology and Innovations’ on the following topic: "Reliable pressure surge calculation of hydropower plants using hillchart data from numerical flow simulation".

Furthermore, we are pleased about the contribution of Prof. Helmut Benigni, from the Institute of Hydraulic Fluid Machinery HFM of the Graz University of Technology, in the session ‘Turbine Technology - "Cavitation in hydraulic machines - measurement, numerical simulation and damage patterns".

Find HERE the complete program of the 22nd International User Forum Small Hydropower Plants.

More about small hydropower in Austria.

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